“I haven't been everywhere, but its on my list.” - Susan Sontag


Know Where You Are

Take a walk around town and satisfy your curiosity. You are standing amid history - what happened here? When was this house built and who lived here? What is that architectural style? Why does the street have this name? Who carved this statue? Why is it placed here? What is its context? NAVIDET is an electronic guide that can help expose layers of meaning by highlighting and explaining what is around you. Right here. Where you stand at this moment.

We at NAVIDET curate historical, architectural, cultural, biographical and artistic information with a sharp eye to deliver interesting and pertinent facts as you immerse yourself in your surroundings. Use NAVIDET to enhance your trip to the city whether you are a one-time visitor or a native.

NAVIDET is a free, web based electronic guide delivered to you via any GPS enabled device. Think smartphone, tablet or wearable technology. Set your preference and use NAVIDET to